Manage financial loss risks associated with recruitment and staff turnover
Create job position profiles specifying: age, education, XP, basic competencies.
Build competency models and classify into specific clusters: corporate, organizational, and professional. Ensure that these models are up-to-date for different job positions.
Store single library for competencies, indicators, characteristics categorizing according to your methodology.
Configure staff competency development level report by company and divisions.
Shorten staff turnover by optimizing employee office or remote adaptation
With TeamTalent you can set up an individual or mass adaptation process for your employees considering company's recent practices:
This includes:
Initial employee training and passing all introductory briefings when hiring or transferring
Creating training & development action plan
Automated creation of an introductory training and adaptation plan (based on position competency model)
Adaptation plan execution control
Adding stages related to clothing issuance, medical examination, intermediate results recording, etc.
Plan mentors' work during adaptation process:
record work results;
evaluate mentor's work when adaptation period ends.
Newcomer can easily go through adaptation process with mobile app based on "1C Enterprise.Element".
Get to know TeamRecruit
Perform employee compliance analysis by identifying strengths and development areas
TeamTalent is designed to assess or test professional and personal employee skills. Additional features
Assessment based on competence model (Assessment center) - apply complex diagnostics method to rate employee's success in professional activity based on his/her behavior evaluation in various simulated situations.
360 degree feedback - get information on employee business qualities from supervisors, colleagues, subordinates
Performance Appraisal - evaluate personnel by KPI.
Professional testing and psychological questionnaires to assess personal qualities and determine the motivational profile of an employee.
Professional testing and psychological surveys to evaluate employee personal qualities and to define motivational profile.
Arrange continuous personnel development cycle. Track growth dynamics
With Corporate University you can:
Generate development activities list
Categorize activities by categories and types
define control activities and links to external LMS
Keep learning portal contents up-to-date.
Enable LMS features with integrated 1C:E-learning.Corporate University system that expands TeamTalent software features:
in terms of developing multimedia, interactive e-learning courses and tests
e-course playback viewer, mobile learning, working with courses in SCORM format.
With TeamTalent you can:
Budget costs considering third-party educational service providers.Keep up-to-date development events library.Plan and monitor offline and online training events.Create tests and surveys of various complexity levels.Record attendance and performance rates with training sheets.Perform employee certification.Auto-generate and adjust training and briefing plans for adaptation period of junior specialists.Store results related to employees training quality evaluation.Organize the storage of training results.Evaluate the quality of training by employees.
Look how TeamRecruit works
Motivate staff pro-development and growth
Build personnel reserve formation and actualization both “top-to-bottom” and “bottom-to-top” ways.
With TeamTalent you can:
Launch personnel reserve nomination process simultaneously for all key positions
Collect apps to be included in personnel reserve
Hold personnel committees and commissions meetings and generate minutes based on results
Rank employees considering competencies and performance rates over different periods
Identify employees with high performance rate (HiPo, HiPro)
Integrate TeamTalent software with external accounting systems
TeamTalent supports integration with external accounting systems based on 1C:Enterprise system, other popular HR accounting systems to upload data related to employees and company's administrative structure.
1C:PPM integration
Background personnel exchange feature to maintain up-to-date organizational chart. Load employee personal details from 1C:PPM system.
MS Excel integration
Transfer existing competencies, indicators, measures.
LMS integration
Integration adapters allow you to export and import training content and event statistics.
Seamless integration with TopFactor software
including TeamPerform and TeamRecruit solutions within whole software ecosystem
Interface design customization and individual system configuration on 1C:Enterprise.
We design modern web user interface in system with 1C: Enterprise.Element technology that support mobile platforms.
Get to know TeamRecruit
Request a personal presentation and access to a free demo of TeamRecruit
Fast launch
SaaS in the cloud storage
Implementation up to 1 month
Use a standard methodology
Proper for remote and hybrid teams
100% independency
On-Premise solution on corp servers
Matching with company compliance
Your personal and commercial data is on your servers
Deep integration with corporate IT-infrastructure
Job websites
Fill in the fields to calculate prices
Fast start
845 $
for one month
Prepayment for six months
1265 $
for one month
Prepayment for six months
on request
Tariff plans and prices
Setting goals and types of evaluations
Fast start
845 $
for one month
Prepayment for six months
1265 $
for one month
Prepayment for six months
on request
Job Profile
Form job profiles that contain not only formal characteristics (age, education, experience), but also set out competencies with minimum development levels.
Competency Model Builder
Form competency models, categorize competencies into specific clusters (corporate, professional, executive). Keep competency models up-to-date for different job positions.
Competencies & Skills
Create competency and skills library for employees, set up scales for evaluation forms to be automatically generated.
Effective Behavior Indicators
Characterize competencies with effective behavior indicators.
Infinite competency and profile description library
Keep single database of competencies, indicators, and skills categorizing them according to your methodology. No quantity limits.
Individual employee characteristics profile
Generating and storing an individual employee profile that stores not only personal information on competency proficiency and career potential, but also competency development and formation history.
Summarized personnel competence development level analytics by company, divisions
Building division/department rating by competencies development level.
Competency model development consulting
We have created unique method of competency model development project implementation based on our long-term consulting experience at enterprises of various fields.
Development activities library maintenance
“Corporate University” subsystem features allow you to create development activities list distributing activities by categories and types. You can also set control activities and links to external LMS, and keep up-to-date competence development activities list.
Learning database
Learning material addition to online library is available in following formats: office documents -word, doc, xls; files - pdf, jpeg, txt, video-mp4; LMS-links to internal or external websites.
LMS access rights customization
Configure automatic authorization with external training systems.
Training events comparison
Tie training materials to any competency or behavioral indicator.
Test builder
Create tests to evaluate employee knowledge with different response processing variations. Bind test to any competency and auto-record final grade, setting time and attempts limits for test.
Analytical slices support on testing
Reports on test results can be generated both with individual test results and generalized statistics on selected answers, share of correct answers, number of points received, time spent on particular question, number of attempts used for each test, and time spent on entire test.
Auto loading tests into system
Import tests into system from Excel file.
Activities categorization
Create developmental activities categories (for instance, according to “70-20-10” model).
LMS integration with 1C:E-learning.Corporate University configuration to extend TeamTalent features
Use extra constructor to develop multimedia, interactive e-learning courses. E-learning courses and tests multimedia player, mobile learning, work with SCORM format, e-certificates accounting are available also.
HR assessment
Competency model evaluation
(Assessment center)
Use complex diagnostics method of employee's success in professional activity based on assessment of his/her behavior in various simulated situations.
Analyzing and interpreting competency model evaluation results
Participants' ranking, potential growth areas and resources for competence development analysis, individual employee profile formation based on evaluation results. Creating PDP, providing employee with access to evaluation profile in employee's personal account.
360 Degree Feedback
Such evaluation procedure allows obtaining information on employee's business qualities from all those with whom he/she interacts in the course of performing his/her job duties (supervisors, colleagues, subordinates). It allows identifying strengths and weaknesses, as well as “ growth points” for both individual employees and the team as a whole.
Analyzing and interpreting 360 degree feedback results
Survey results processing, evaluation grouping by categories of participants, building individual employee profile based on evaluation results.
360 degree feedback evaluation service
Personalized approach to survey, assistance in creating competency models, PDP based on survey results.
Performance Appraisal
Automating employee performance evaluation by KPI with TeamPerform system.
Performance review
Comprehensive employee evaluation method: KPI & Hard and Soft skills evaluation, short-term and long-term development planning.
Pro-testing and psychological surveys
Employee testing processes automation and generation of reports with individual results. Customized psychodiagnostic tests to assess personal qualities and determine motivational profile.
Any individual HR-characteristics analysis
Enhanced HR Characteristics report is designed for detailed employee evaluation analysis in terms of competencies (characteristics, behavior indicators) for selected period. Track validation and actualization evaluation period for selected competence (skill).
Training Center
Provides online employee training. For company employees, transition to online courses and testing at the end of the course is possible.
Evaluation Procedure Designer Customization
Setting up evaluation routes and defining action sequence for applying established practice at company.
HR development management
Creating PDP
PDP generates automatically based on evaluation results for compliance with certain competence model. Following such results, competences requiring development are identified, and training and development activities matched to these competences are auto-included in PDP.
PDP approval process
Business process “Generating DPD” allows building routes for PDP approval under different scenarios.
Tracking PDP execution
With business process “PDP Execution” you can record PDP execution results, coordinate them, and control deadlines for activities execution.
Training process participants notification
Notifications to employees and their direct supervisors on date and time of participation in both in-person and online events.
Attendance & performance control
Track participation in events and record employee progress through training records.
Training events planning
Business process “Planning Training” coordinates supervisors' work related to planning training events for division employees.
Expense budgeting
Keeping records of employee training costs. To form budget for development events, it is required to specify development events to be held by external providers and specify the amount of expenses for such events.
Training sheet
Schedule training and control events for employees.
Onboarding. Adaptation track
Establish individual or mass adaptation process by arranging employee onboarding training and passing all briefings when employee is hired or transferred.
Initial briefing & adaptation plan
Generate training and PD plan for newly hired employees.
Adaptation plan development
Auto-generate onboarding and adaptation plan (based on position competency model), ensure control over PDP execution.
Scheduling work of mentors during adaptation, recording work results, evaluating mentor's work when adaptation period ends.
Probationary period
Within probationary period or at its end, mentor or immediate supervisor evaluates new employee with checklist that can contain developed competencies evaluation. Decision is made at this stage as to whether employee has successfully passed probationary period.
Adaptation feedback
Questioning employee in system on adaptation measures, creating check-list for mentor's work evaluation.
Onboarding Mobile App
Adaptation and training mobile app for employees with integrated “1C:Enterprise. Element” technology.
Adaptation track customization
Adaptation track routing, adding stages to record POE issuance, medical examination, recording intermediate results, etc.
Career planning & talent pool
Updating talent pool positions
Personnel positions generation within system for succession planning.
Candidate pool nomination process
Joining talent pool apps are formed by supervisor who selects own successors.
Collecting applications for talent pool inclusion
Talent pool applications for all key positions are formed by applicants.
Talent pool inclusion application approval
Setting up talent pool apps approval route.
Fixing HiPo, HiPro employees
Additional feature has been implemented for talent pool formation that allows to assign appllicant to group of highly potential or high-performance employees. This feature is implemented by saving historical data in system on employee development and performance level for various periods.
Personnel committees & commissions formation
Generating HR committee decision protocols for each applicant on inclusion/exclusion.
HR committees meeting minutes approval route
Customizing approval route for HR committees and commissions meeting minutes in accordance with company's regulations.
Career Portal
Professional career portal provides visualization of possible employee's career growth in company. It is created for each employee in accordance with his/her current position and provides vertical, horizontal and expert growth options.
Employee Rating
Rank employees based on their competencies and performance level with 9Box and 12Box matrices. Ranking criteria can be easily adjusted to accepted practice in company (for instance: performance/potential).
Solidified succession report
Consolidated report on succession planning and inclusion of employees in talent pool.
Staff ranking
Supervisors can track subordinates' rating, which shows not only performance/potential ratio, but also PDP execution percentage, CV, and latest competency evaluation results.
Integrations & interfaces
Two-way 1C:PPM integration
Background personnel exchange to maintain an up-to-date organizational chart. Personal details transfer from 1C:PPM system.